Loving Brianna

A husband, a toddler, and a full-time job... I'm just one girl trying to balance it all!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas 2012

I can't believe we are just a few days away from Christmas.  I did pretty good with my shopping this year and outside of two gift cards I need to pick up before Monday I'm completely done.  Thanks to the first annual wrapping extravaganza with Tara I got a good start on wrapping all of the gifts I've purchased.  I gave Tara a hard time about how many gifts she had to wrap last weekend but she got everything done in one night and I'm pretty sure I spent time wrapping for the next three days.  But it is all finished now!  

Okay... so onto the good stuff... Brianna cried when she was put on Santa's lap last week.  She loved every minute except the actual sitting on his lap.  Can't blame a girl.  The train ride afterwards definitely made up for it and she is even more excited every time she sees Santa now so I don't think she was too traumatized.  

She can sing the majority of Jingle Bells and I finally got it on video today!  I will cherish that video for the rest of my life!  She was very sleepy so I put her in her crib to nap and she sat and sang for the longest time. The same thing over and over again.  I finally started recording it and got a good solid two minutes of Jingle Bells.  She throws her little head up when she yells "Hey".  

Brianna will now say "look at me" when she wants our attention... especially when she knows we will laugh.  She has also started asking "what's that?"  I can't believe that game is already beginning.  

She has taken over our television.  Her favorites right now are Chuggington and Polar Express.  She is also obsessed with any movies with dogs in them.  Grandma Peggy is to thank for this one... She asks for "doggy show"and is equally happy with Treasure Buddies, Santa Paws or the one when they are in space.  I don't know really... I can't stand them so I usually use that time to get things done.  For example... we reached a whole new level of parenting today.  I was able to take a shower while she and I were home alone when she was AWAKE.  Since this was the first time I had the door open and could kind of see what she was doing but she let me leave the room. I had her all set up with a snack, drink and Treasure Buddies so she was a happy girl.  She came in twice to make sure I was there but went right back into the living room.  It was amazing.  

After her nap this morning we went to the Cincinnati Museum Center.  We quickly went through the museums and then saw the Rocky Mountain Express Omnimax show.  I was completely prepared for Brianna not to make it through the 45 minute show but she shocked us.  She sat in a seat between us and after the show started every time there was a pause she asked for more.  She loved it.  After about 30 minutes she had reached her limit so Michael and I were passing her back and forth but she did a great job!  I remember Ethan being afraid of the Omnimax and falling asleep in my lap when he was her age.    That brings me to another happy memory... all of the times I've been to the museum with other kids and now I was there with my baby girl.  It was awesome.  We weren't able to do everything we wanted to today so we will be going back soon.  I wish we would have gotten a pass but I couldn't really convince Michael this time since we just got zoo passes!  

We are about to go into the Christmas madness but I really am thankful for this holiday season.  Brianna has loved every minute which has been so much fun to experience through her.  She has loved "Tiny" our Elf on a Shelf.  She loves Santa, trains and presents.  She loves playing with her nativity set and hearing the story of baby Jesus.  She loves the Christmas Tree and the lights that are up when we are driving at night.  I can not wait to see the joy on her face on both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Monday, November 19, 2012

I Still Have a Blog? (Brianna 21 Months)

Oh man... when life gets crazy the Brianna updates are the first thing to go.  There have been a TON of changes over the past month! Shoot... after typing that I just checked and it has actually been TWO months since posting.  I suck.

This past week and weekend were pretty crazy.  Last weekend we went ahead and purchased a family pass to the zoo and I'm really excited.  This visit was the first time that Brianna really "got it".  She was soooo excited about every single animal (we skipped the insect and reptile stuff... because they aren't my favorite) and she was upset every time we moved on to the next exhibit.  I had to keep telling her that we were going to see more!!! She would look at me and sign "more" and say "animals!".  She also loved seeing all of the other kids.  We had about thirty different people tell us she looks exactly like Shirley Temple.  We are getting that comment more and more the older she gets.  Someday Brianna may actually get to hear about who that is.  And if she is anything like I was when I was little... she won't like it!  Oh well... she is perfectly BRIANNA to me.  Another funny fact... she still says "Anna" if you ask her what her name is.  She loves to make people laugh and knows how to do it.  She makes silly faces.  When you ask her how she is she says "GOOD!".  Sometimes she'll say it if she overhears someone else asking me how I am.

This month she has learned how to watch television.  This is sounds terrible but its true.  Until now she liked Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on Disney but it would just be on in the background and she would occasionally dance to the music.  Well... I figured out her one true television love is actually a show called Chuggington.  She will sit and watch the entire episode.  She hasn't sat that still ever.  She really prefers to sit in my lap while watching (I try to limit it to one or two episodes a day) but I have Beene able to use that time to get other things done.  Yes... I am admitting that I have and will again use the television to babysit my little girl.  I haven't paid much attention to the concept of the show but have picked up things here and there.  Michael really likes it too so he will sometimes watch half an episode with her (Brianna's attention span is longer than his).  Sunday morning when we were all cuddling on the couch watching Chuggington I asked Michael if he thinks Brianna understands that Chuggington is a place and not a person (train).  Michael looked at me and exclaimed  "it is!?!?!".  Too funny.

SO... also at the zoo Brianna got to combine her love of trains with her love of the zoo.  Every time we had to stop for the train to pass she stopped and got super excited.  Like as excited as I would get if I ran into Ryan Gosling at the zoo. That excited.  We didn't ride the train this time but we will definitely be doing that soon.

In other exciting news, I put up all of our Christmas decorations and tree up this weekend.  I had to do it during nap time so it may be the fastest I've ever accomplished this task.  When she woke up from her nap I had Michael get her out of her room so I could take a video of her seeing the tree and decorations for the first time.  It is priceless.  She was so excited!  There was even clapping!  Anyone who knows me, knows I LOVE Christmas and this is going to be the best Christmas season yet.

Some other Brianna facts at 21 months (which she will be tomorrow):

  • She still loves music and has started singing- her favorites at the moment are Jingle Bells and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.  
  • She tells me when she doesn't like  a song I have playing in the car and asks for me to change it.  If we don't find something she likes then I get stuck with that darn Chipmunk Christmas CD playing... UGH
  • She yells "GO" when the car stops... I have no idea where she gets that :) 
  • She hugs and kisses everything she loves
  • She isn't a very good eater these days but still loves her milk... the child would live on snacks and milk if I let her... 
  • She still is obsessed with books and they continue to be her favorite "toy"... If she is playing by herself she gets a book out and jibber jabbers like she is reading it.  and the words come out like a song... just like how I read them! I need to get that on video
  • The child forgets nothing... seriously. 
  • We still have to have a kiki (blanket) everywhere we go
  • She still takes a pacifier at nap time and bedtime (i know, I know)
  • She can operate my iphone better than her Aunt Kimberly... she can unlock it and scroll through the apps to find hers... she can also flip through pictures and watch videos of herself and laughs
  • She will say full sentences occasionally and puts four words together often
  • I love her more than life
That is all for now!  Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Fall TV!!!

Fall is my favorite season, hands down!  I love the crisp cool air, colorful trees, clothes, and scents!  I also love that all of the new Fall TV shows start!  I used to watch a lot of the new shows because I didn't want to miss out... but now with limited time (toddlers are busy) I've found myself waiting to see what's good and going back to watch it.  I also am finding myself watching more sitcoms-- thirty minutes is a much more manageable time commitment-- even though they used to drive me nuts.  I still hate laugh tracks!!!  

New Girl is definitely my favorite new show from last year.  I find it hilarious and it makes me happy!  In an agreement with the bestie... she requested I start watching the new season of Once Upon a Time in return for her tuning in to the new season of New Girl.  Last night I watched the recap of the first season and the first episode of season 2.  Oh man was that confusing!  What did I like???  It was beautiful... the costumes, the scenery, the people.  It felt like I was watching a huge movie production.  It was very creative and I found myself thinking... how do they come up with this stuff?  And there are plenty of love stories... that did pull me in.  What didn't I like??? I'm not sure I can get into fantasy.  I never liked Harry Potter or Twilight.  I don't get into any of the vampire stuff that everyone is talking about.  I do like the Hunger Games but in my mind... that could totally happen.  It is kind of already where our society is heading.  I just don't like "make believe".  But I'm going to continue to watch because I figure it might grow on me.  And it will make the bestie happy... and if the bestie is happy, everyone is happy.  

Grey's Anatomy is back but will never be the same. Why, Grey's, why?  McSteamy was my favorite... and now he is gone... and that makes me so sad!  It was bad enough that he lost Lexi... oh well... I guess they are together now :)  I've decided if Owen and Christina can't work out their issues I may be unable to watch.  I'm sure they will miss me.

Real Housewives of Whatever.  I've been a fan since Bravo was available in the Cincinnati area.  I don't know how much longer I can take it though.  It really stresses me out.  And I want to shake those people sometimes and scream "I'd like to give you some REAL problems!".  How about you donate more of your money to charity instead of all that plastic surgery, spray tans, and hideous clothes.  

I'm excited about Revenge being back on.  But I still have three episodes to catch up on from last season.  See what I mean about no time?  

Brianna has her favorite shows as well... but I'm not really sure how their seasons work... mainly because I don't know that they have seasons.  I have about 15 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse episodes on my DVR in addition to a couple Barney (her new favorite), Elmo, and Doc McStuffins (my new favorite) episodes.  These shows hold her attention for maybe five minutes but a lot of times we have them on in the background while she plays and she dances when there is music.  

There is a downside to Fall tv... other than not having enough time... and that would be that Fall and October coincide.  This means that you have to be careful when you turn on the tv... scary movies and shows are all over the place!  This isn't good for a girl that is scared of everything and has night terrors.  They should just make a scary channel that everything scary is on... that way it would be easier to avoid.  Don't see that happening!  I'm kind of obsessed with Dateline and even that scares me!  

What is everyone else watching?  

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Almost 19 Months

 So in some previous posts I have struggled with the fact that my baby is no longer a baby and is now a toddler.  This past month has made it even more clear that she most definitely is a TODDLER and I have to accept it. 
 My sweet girl, now loves to say NO.  My sweet girl, cries when it is time for night night.  My sweet girl is starting to put THREE words together.  

 This sweet girl asks for help when she needs it.  She loves having a picnic... outside or in the living room, it doesn't matter... it is still fun.   She is showing a lot of interest in the potty so this sweet girl may not be wearing diapers for much longer.

 We couldn't love her more.  She loves her Mommy and Daddy and her Grandmas and Grandpas.  She loves Shirley, who watches her when Mommy is at work.  She loves animals, music and Mickey Mouse.  She loves her binkie and kikis (pacifier and blanket) and her stuffed dog named, JoJo.  She loves her fish tank in her crib and we have trouble in the house when the batteries begin to die.  She loves milk, raisins and tortilla chips.  She loves bath time and brushing her teeth.  She LOVES accessories... bows, bracelets, shoes, lotion, dresses.  
The tantrums are beginning... but she is still 100% sweet and pure and soft hearted.  We love you, Brianna!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Another Gushy Post

I'm in such a "gushy" mood right now.  I'm feeling incredibly blessed, thankful, and happy at the moment.  

I went out of town for a conference this week and had to leave my little family at home to fend for themselves.  Now, I'm going to pat myself on the back for just a second.  I have Brianna on an amazing schedule and I had the house stocked with her necessities before leaving.  Even with all of the preparations made and the excitement of some fun time away from home there were a few tears shed as I left the house.  

Brianna was able to stay in her normal schedule with our neighbor allowing her to play with her toys, go back and forth between houses, and nap in her bed.  Shirley, Michael, Peggy and my mom all called frequently to check in on ME which made me feel loved. They knew no matter what I would be worried about her so I received frequent updates and it was perfect.  

And I was able to enjoy picture updates from Michael and Peggy (MIL) that were proof that she was doing just fine (crazy hair and all): 

So that left me alone... for three night, four days... to relax!!!  I went to Louisville for the Kentucky Rehabilitation Association (KRA) conference.  My work twin was unable to stay with me so I was left in a hotel room by myself.  I drove down Tuesday evening and worked with my Job Placement Division to prepare for our pre-conference that was Wednesday morning.  I'm already on the board but that night they talked me into taking office.  SO that will be interesting in the next two years.  I will have some big shoes to fill!  

My Cozy little room:

The conference itself went great, there were a lot of great sessions and it was fun to hangout and network with other people in our profession statewide. 

And then there is always "The Loot" of course...

In the evenings, after checking in with home, I spent reading, watching a movie or two, got a pedicure (where they also wax eyebrows... which I wasn't sure how I felt about that- but took advantage anyway), did a little window shopping and SLEPT!  

Until this trip I felt like every time I had to go out of town it was really hard to get back into the swing of things again when I returned.  This time has been totally different.  I feel refreshed and so happy to be home.  I'm so excited about spending this weekend with my family... even though the schedule is crazy already.  

I'm so incredibly thankful for a job that allows me to do this and my amazing family and friends which make an amazing support system that allows me to be gone as well.  And I'm also happy to report that Brianna didn't hold a grudge and was more concerned about the necklace I was wearing when I got home than anything.  Nothing can get between my girl and pretty accessories :)  

Friday, August 31, 2012


I had a revelation recently that compared AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) to Facebook.  I think I joined Facebook sometime in 2006.  I could probably login to find out for sure but that is somewhere in the ballpark of six year that this silly social network site has been a part of my life.  I was thinking... what did we do before Facebook?

Then I remembered our little "away messages" on AIM.  You could say what you planned on doing that afternoon.  Some people would update after each activity throughout the day while others would leave a simple song lyric up for everyone to ponder.  

AIM WAS our Facebook!  How funny is that?  I remember that little ping every time someone would login.  I remember "hiding" myself so that other people didn't know I was online and could see who was on and what they were posting.  Isn't that kind of what Facebook is?  

I have been thankful that we didn't have Facebook and Twitter when I was a teenager.  There is too much angst and emotional trauma at that stage in life.  A teenager doesn't understand that those emotions are temporary.  They don't realize that people really DO understand how you feel and some of them very well could be just as intelligent as you are.  

I'm currently reading "Where I Belong" by Emily Giffin and there is a lot of talk about the 90's and music.  I saw a post by the Blue Eyed Bride after she finished this book and the time period was taking her back as well. While transferring music from an old computer to my MacBook Pro this weekend I was listening to some old school Dashboard Confessional that took me right back to undergrad.  Isn't it funny how some songs can make you feel EXACTLY how you felt back then.  That's okay... thinking about pulling up old Facebook status' telling the world what those feelings are... that makes me cringe.  This officially makes me old.  But to be fair, I've always been conservative so only half of my cringing can be blamed on age.  

I get the fun job of helping clients clean up their act all of the time.  I see them realize... "Wow.  I probably should have put all of that out there."  And by then, there is usually not much you can really do about it.  

Now on to the REAL problem... what the heck is going to be out there by the time my little sweet Brianna is twelve?  It scares the bejezzus out of me.  I think I'm going to start praying for guidance now.  Maybe in eleven years I'll be able to deal with what is to come!  YIKES!

Thursday, August 30, 2012


I wasn't sure I wanted to post about this but it has been on my mind so much that I thought I would just get it all out here. 

Warning: The post is a little graphic (and sad)

I had a doctor's appointment on Monday and as I was leaving and getting on the ramp to the interstate I turned the corner and saw a big van lose control and flip over.  The lady in front of me and myself pulled over to the side and waited while the van crashed on the cab that the driver was sitting in.  I immediately picked up my phone and dialed 911.  I sat in my car and talked to the dispatcher.  I literally could not move.  I was shaking.  I couldn't get myself to run over to the van to check on the driver.  Quite honestly, I was too afraid of what I would see and was worried I wouldn't be able to handle it.  

Luckily two more cars pulled over and two men ran over to the van and pulled the man out of the passenger side window which had obviously shattered along with all of the other windows.  The man wasn't moving and had a pretty serious head injury.  Another woman pulled over and came running and telling us she was an RN.  She helped elevate his legs and apply pressure to some of the bleeding.  The man was conscious and aware of everything around him.  

After the police and ambulance were dispatched I hung up the phone with 911.  I didn't feel like there was anything else I could do.  Once the police arrived I gave my name and phone number in case they needed a statement and shakily got back into my car and went on with my day. 

But I have been unable to forget what I saw.  What I saw was something that happened in the blink of an eye.  I saw everyday heroes come to this man's rescue.  They didn't hesitate, they ran and did what they could do to help.  Once the man was rescued from the van, I saw grown men hold this strangers hand in an attempt to provide some amount of comfort in this nightmare he was experiencing.  

I'm frustrated that I wasn't strong enough (emotionally) to pull that man out of the van.  But I'm so thankful there are people in the world that are... and do.  

This scenario has been happening a lot recently.  Michael actually saw a car accident about two months ago and the man died.  I still don't think he has recovered from seeing that.  A relative of my cousin has been dealing with recovery from a car accident for months upon months dealing with surgery upon surgery, rehabilitation and fighting with insurance companies trying to get the benefits that should be given to him without question.   

I pray for all of my family and friends and am incredibly thankful for each moment I have with them.  I pray for their safety and my own and try to remain as aware of my surroundings as possible and be alert at all times when driving.  The least we can do is not text while driving, obviously have someone else drive if you've been drinking, and maintain your car so that it is as safe as possible for you and your family.  

Okay... I'm hoping to have less nightmares now that I got this out!  Hopefully I'll be back with a more uplifting post soon!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Labor Day 2012

Last time I checked Labor Day was supposed to be the day you take off from "Laboring".  Last time I checked, every single holiday has turned into "Labor".  Which is why I'm happy to announce this year the Lee family is boycotting Labor Day celebrations.  

Every holiday that comes around emails start going back and forth between families.  When each celebration will be, where they will be held, who will be attending and what you plan to bring.  Sounds like fun, right?  In theory, yes... its a blast and we love having friends and family to celebrate with.  But when you consider that most of the time we have THREE family gatherings to go to, sometimes all in one day, it is utterly exhausting!  

The first problem is travel time.  Each location is 45-60 minutes away from the last.  The next problem is a toddler that doesn't get a nap.  The third problem is this tired Mama chasing a toddler in homes that are not baby proofed.  

I also have gotten the sense that some family members are less than thrilled about hosting these days.  I totally get it.  Family gatherings are expensive and a TON of work.  I try my best to clean up after my little family but I know that the bulk of the cleaning is left with the hosts after all of the people are long gone. 

So this year Labor Day will be spent at home.  I hope we don't hurt anyone's feelings.  With all of the holidays coming up in the next few months we will have plenty of time for celebrations and family time.  

I plan to spend my four day weekend loving on my baby girl and doing fun things with my little family.  If anyone would like to visit us, they are welcome to!!!  You can come to my baby proofed house and we can relax and hang out with Brianna as she plays with her toys after she takes a nap in her crib :)  We will all be much happier that way!

Friday, August 24, 2012


This weather has really been messing with me.  After a scorching summer this past week has been absolutely lovely.  It has felt cool and crisp in the morning and comfortably warm in the afternoons.  Brianna and I went for a walk this morning, before noon, and it was HOT again!  I was so upset!  

Fall is my absolute favorite time of the year.  I love getting out my sweaters and scarves.  I love the in between weather of wearing a sweater in the evening but still able to wear flip flops.  Well... let's be fair, I would actually wear flip flops all year if I could.  

Michael even started with his fall allergies with the change in weather.  So now that its going to be back in the 90's for the next week does that mean we'll have to start that transition all over again?  What the heck!  

I'm looking forward to layering Brianna too.  I plan on putting little leggings under some of her dresses and light sweaters.  I want to get my money's worth, just in case she doesn't fit in some of her dresses in the spring.  

One thing I will miss is the ease of throwing on a dress.  Both for Brianna and myself.  It is so nice with Bri to just have one piece of clothing have the ability to be an entire outfit.  Another thing that has been great this summer is that we have found THE perfect pair of shoes that go with everything.  They are white, comfy, and easy. After growing out of the shoes I purchased in the spring, my Mom and I went to Stride Rite to have her fitted.  They were super great with kids and we could not have been happier with these shoes.
Here is the link in case you're interested... 

So now I'm wondering... how are we going to have to deal with shoes and socks with my baby who loves sandals and being barefoot as much as her Mommy?  Of course, we will deal!  

So other than that, Fall... we are ready when you are!  I can't wait to take Brianna to a pumpkin patch, carve pumpkins and figure out costumes for Halloween!  I will be indulging in a carmel apple or two even though they are probably not too WW friendly.  

And weather?  Stop teasing!

Monday, August 20, 2012

18 Months!

As of today, August 20th, there really is no more denying that my sweet baby girl is now a toddler.  She is a year and a half old!  I am so torn in my emotions about this.  On one hand, it breaks my heart to see her lose so many of her baby traits daily.  On the other, I have never been so filled with joy as I am watching her discover the world around her and soak everything up like a little sponge.

Physically, Brianna is growing taller by the second!  She is getting tall and skinny... well... you can see every rib in her body when she stretches to reach something but has luckily kept her little chunky thighs... but man, there is no denying our girl is tall!  We don't have her 18 month visit to the doctor for another couple of weeks because I am in the process of switching her primary doctor and I decided a little bit of a week for a doctor that I have loved is definitely worth it.  I'm excited to see where she falls on the little growth chart.  Michael and I have decided that we definitely need to get a growth chart on the wall, sooner than later.  There are some mornings we sit and look at each other, puzzled, wondering how it seems that she has grown two inches overnight.  I'd like to have something tangible on the wall to mark the progress.  I'm trying to figure out if I should pretend I'm crafty enough to do something off pinterest or if I should just find one online to order.  Another thing I've noticed about her physical appearance is her face looking thinner and more grown up.  There are still plenty of cheekers to smootch on but she definitely is looking more like a little girl than little baby.

Now onto the fun part... Emotionally, Brianna has grown leaps and bounds in the past few months.  She is starting to put two words together.  She wants to constantly tell us what something is and who it belongs to.  "Mommy's! Car!, Daddy's! Shirt!, Bri Bri's! Milk!" She does this all day long, every day.  She just started calling me "Mommy" this past week.  Until now, she has called me "Mama" or "Mom Mom".  I promise, she has said Mommy 500 times a day since she started.  And I love it!  She also started asking for cuddles...  this is adorable and I love it but this little girl is a smart cookie.  She knows if she asks for cuddles it buys her a good ten minutes that she doesn't have to go to bed.

Other funny things keep happening.  One morning this weekend I was getting her milk right after she woke up (she asks as soon as I walk in her room) and I dropped the lid from the gallon.  Brianna picked it up and handed it to me.  I lit up and said "THANK YOU!  You are such a good helper!".  Brianna smiled and then started jumping around the kitchen.  I then realized, she thought I said "hopper".

I keep telling everyone I want to freeze time RIGHT NOW!  I can't wait to see her in the morning and I miss her when I put her to bed.  As you can tell from recent posts, working has been terrible.  Between changes at work and missing my girl, I would do anything to get to stay home with her.  Stupid student loans and fear of losing all of my certifications... UGH!

Yesterday we were leaving my aunt's house and she was in the back being very quiet.  When I got to a red light I turned around to see if she was asleep.  I realized she wasn't asleep, she was just staring at her Mommy and when I looked at her she broke into a giant smile... LOVE! She is always studying.  She watches what we do, what we say and is very into how we are feeling.  She is also a sensitive little person, no surprise :)  If you say something too sternly it hurts her feelings and she will cry.

Michael and I tell each other a hundred times a day how much of a joy our girl is.  We truly can't get enough.  Baby Girl definitely has it made but... Michael and I?... we are the lucky ones!!!

Happy 18 month birthday, Brianna!!!

Monday, August 13, 2012

It Doesn't Get Any Easier

Ten short weeks after giving birth I spent an entire week holding a SLEEPING bundle of perfection and cried my eyes out. Why??? I had to go back to work! I was leaving the most important thing I had ever done and had to go help complete strangers. In what universe does that make sense? It didn't matter that I was leaving her with my mother three days and a close friend the other two. It didn't matter that I was able to get off at three pm and have the entire evening with her as well as every weekend. It didn't make sense.

Almost a year and a half later I am sitting awake at nearly midnight saying the same exact thing. It doesn't matter that I now work a four day work week. It doesn't matter that our next door neighbor watches our busy toddler so she can stay at her own house, play with her own toys, sleep in her own bed and have constant one on one attention. I miss her every second I am away. I miss her right now when she is sound asleep in the next room. It doesn't make sense!

I apologize to my co-workers for all of my complaining. They too, have to leave their children to come to work. But they also have to give ME a pep talk daily. As I was whining this morning a co-worker reminded me... Monday's are always especially hard for you. I realized when she said this that I have never adjusted. I still want to be the one with my sweet girl. No matter how well she is being taken care of or how much I feel I need a break... I still want to be the one with her!

I often feel weak these days and I don't like it at all! Thank you to all of my amazing friends and family who are there to support me in these moments of weakness!

The truth is... I respect every mother. The mothers who make sacrifices so they can be home with their little ones AND the ones that spend their time counting down the seconds until they can see that smiling little face.

And those women who do it a second time? Or third time? They blow my mind! Those women are super heroes!

Okay... Excuse me while I risk waking my baby so I can give her a kiss :)

Saturday, August 11, 2012

ENT Follow-up Turned Playdate

Michael and I took Brianna to Children's Hospital this morning to have a follow-up appointment from the tubes that were put in her ears nine months ago.  I have been praying that the tubes are still in place and doing their job and this prayer was answered!  The surgeon said that everything looks great and we will just see him again in six to nine months for another check-up unless she begins to have more trouble with her ears.  

When she is teething she sometimes fools us and pulls on her ears making us think they hurt but soon after the drool begins and you can feel a new little toother about to break through.  She is such a tough baby.

Brianna also had a hearing test today which was quite an event last time but went very smooth this time now that she is a little older and they are able to keep her attention much better.  She passed with flying colors.  Even after hours of waiting well into her nap time she was sociable and happy.  She got excited when the audiologist cheered for her.  She called out the name of each of the items that popped up after she identified where the sound was coming from.  The audiologist actually made a comment at one point that it really wouldn't be completely necessary to finish the screening because she obviously hears quite well to have the level of speech that she does.  Of course we finished anyway... and our little angel scored fantastically.  

I'm surprised how outgoing Brianna tends to be around others she has never met.  There were five to ten other families in the waiting area and Brianna thought they were all her friends and we were there to play.  She walked around smiling and waving and collecting books from the bin and delivering them to the families as gifts. Most of the families loved this and the ones that didn't seem quite as awake or friendly we just had her avoid. It was adorable to watch my friendly, happy girl bring joy to all of those other families.  

But... this brings me to the next little dilemma we're experiencing with her name.  My entire pregnancy we couldn't settle on a name for our little peanut.  We waited to announce her name after she was born...even to our closest friends and family.  After we brought home our little Brianna McKenzie.  Brianna can be pronounced two different ways.  Here are the two different ways:  

Brianna (Bri-ah-nuh)

Brianna (Bri-an-uh)

Michael preferred Bri-an-uh so that is what we have gone with... but mostly call her Bri for short.  Recently she has been calling herself Bri which has been cute.  Last week Michael started teaching her to say her full name and at first she would say Bri.... pause.... ahnuh.  

Which brings me back her friendlessness at the hospital this morning.  Whenever a little boy, girl or family would ask her her name she would say "Anna (ahnuh)".   

I think it is hysterical... especially because this is the pronunciation and name that I rooted for in the first place.  I also think its adorable that my not even eighteen month old tries to introduce herself to people.  Precious.... simply precious! 

So for now going to go smooch my little Anna's forehead before I head to bed myself.  

Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

ADHD?... Probably just ADD :)

I'm halfway through my first week back on Weight Watchers!  It has been a long two years of not paying attention and it has gotten me in big (ahem) trouble!  

So far things are going well and I'm excited to see where I'll be in about three months.  But I'm not wishing this time away!!!  Nope... every moment with my little one is too precious.

Speaking of the little one... she is hilarious these days!  She is a little sponge and remembers everything!  Her new favorite activity is to run around the house and point/pickup/carry around random items and say who they belong to.  "Mama's", "Dada's", "Bri Bri's"... all day long!

I have scheduled her appointment with the ENT at Children's Hospital to talk about her ears.   It has been nine months since she got her tubes.  It is crazy to think she has now had the tubes as long as she went without them!  It was the best decision we could have made.  We have not had one ear issue since November!  I'm anxious to see what the surgeon recommends.  The tubes may not be there any longer.  Best case scenario would be that she has outgrown the ear infections and no longer needs the tubes.  Brianna will also have a hearing test to make sure everything is okay from all of the ear infections she had prior to the tubes.  She was too young to get an accurate reading at our last visit.

Another appointment I've scheduled is her 18 month well visit.  Yes... a year and a half.  UGH... There is so much truth to the idea behind "the days are long but the years are short".   I remain so focused on each day or week that by the time I look up we are already at another milestone.

Every night Michael and I go to bed we thank God for our precious gift.  We talk about how thankful we are that she is in our lives.  That she is the best thing to ever happen.  Lately I've been praying that she holds on to her innocence for as long as possible.  I love my sweet angel.

Now on a more random note... As I was sitting in a two hour work meeting yesterday afternoon I had the strangest thought.  How in the world did I ever make it through three hour lectures in undergrad?  I have to fight the urge to pull out my iPhone.  In school it was because I didn't want to get caught... as an adult, it is because I don't want to be disrespectful.  I used to be able to sit there and do one thing, listen to the instructor and take notes.  In my new state of constant multi-tasking it seems nearly impossible to do just one thing.  As the meeting went on I found myself making mental checklists of everything that I could be getting done while listening and participating in the meeting.   Any suggestions on how to just chill?  I would love to hear them :)

Monday, July 2, 2012

16 Month Update

Lately several people have referred to Brianna as being a year and a half old.  Yes... I know... she is close enough that I guess technically she is almost a year and a half but this Mama isn't ready for that milestone.  So right now... I'm enjoying these last two months before we actually get there!  

Brianna continues to pick up new words daily.  One of my favorite things I have noticed lately is she has memorized some of her favorite books.  She loves all books but there are a few that I read to her 100 times a day and she can't get enough.  I noticed she was saying the words before I even turn the page.  May be the cutest thing ever!  I need to capture it on video but every time I pull out the video camera she stops and is distracted!  

The best way to get cuddles is to hold her "kiki" (blankie) and she comes running and gives you a big hug.  She is such a sweet girl.  She is selective with her kisses but that just makes it even more special when you get one.

We continue to go to swim lessons on Saturday mornings.  She gets very distracted in swim class.  She understands what she is supposed to do... and she does it... but she just won't keep doing it.  After she masters something she wants to move on to the next activity.  All of the other babies seem to be a little more easy going than she is.  I'm afraid she has her Daddy's attention span!  

I finally took some pictures Saturday evening and when I started looking at them it seems like all of a sudden she seems so grown up!  You can tell she has so much more confidence in her movements.  I can't believe how fast this time has gone.

 "squinty face"

And look at these crazy curls...

She is starting to be somewhat of a picky eater.  I think this stage is pretty typical for a toddler... she will go for a day or two without eating much and then spend a day making up for it.  She seems to like pasta, turkey, watermelon, corn, and raisins.  

We are coming up on our big trip to SC so it would be wonderful if everyone could think happy thoughts for us!  I have a lot of work to get done before we go... traveling is so different now that Brianna is here! It will be a lot of fun though!  

Monday, June 25, 2012

Random Post Monday

Since I can't seem to get my act together enough to blog on a regular basis I have decided I should at least be able to start doing a Random Post each week. I can't even commit to every Monday... the day may change each week... but at least I'll have a goal :)  I really have used this blog to keep track of some of the little milestones Brianna has reached and I'd like to continue to do so! 

  • I have a lot of guilt about the lack of pictures I've taken since Brianna's first birthday.  Up through her 52nd week of life I knew that I was going to pull out my camera on Sunday and take some pictures.  Even if she was still in her PJs, even if she was screaming or sick.  Since then I can probably count on one hand how many times I've had my real camera out.  It is sad... and I must get better!  I will wish I had pictures of this time!
  • I get REALLY upset when I turn on Q102 in the morning and Jeff and Jenn are not there.  Most of the time they don't even give warning... there is just some annoying fill in!  That is not a good start to my morning.  If I should have to be commuting into work... then they should be working too :)  I love them!
  • I have been reading a lot of blogs lately and I'm torn on if this is a good or bad thing for me.  On one hand, it really helps to hear someone else talk about their struggles and joys of life and motherhood.  On the other hand, I feel like I can never measure up to so many of those people.  They are either traveling the world with no strings attached or stay at home moms.  I will never be either of those people... but my life is amazing and I am incredibly thankful.  
  • I had some much overdue girl time yesterday with some of my favorite girls.  A long lunch and browsing through Kenwood Mall was a perfect, child-free afternoon!  I enjoyed every moment but was happy to be back with my family last night.  
  • Some of Brianna's words 16 months old (to help me remember, feel free to skip this one!):  truck, car, mama, dada, papaw, mamaw, great granny (gaganny), spoon, please (five thousand times a day and always does the sign when she says it), up, bye bye, hi, k (okay), go, no, yes (es), two, three, elmo, minnie, baby, booboo, nana (both banana and her name "briNANA"), apple, coke (which is still what she calls her milk), bite, more (still signs), juice, watermelon (wamelon), spaghetti (ghetti), pretty (petty), night night (nyny), blankie (kiki), bottle (baba) (just at night, don't judge), rockarocka (night time rocking with blankie and baba- mommy's favorite time!) I'm sure there are more and I could sit here all day thinking of more but I won't! 
  • Spell-checking that last paragraph looks pretty funny :)  
  • I'm having a lot of anxiety about our travel plans to SC that are coming up soon.  I am excited and know we'll have a lot of fun and make some great memories but I'm nervous about how she will handle it.  I just hope it isn't as exhausting as Florida was... will I ever have a true vacation again?  Wouldn't trade it for the world though! 
Okay... ahhh.... I feel better!  Pretty random, huh? I think I'm going to like these random posts.  Until next time... when there are hopefully PICTURES!

Monday, June 11, 2012


The pinterest recipe I mentioned in my last post was so incredibly easy and absolutely delicious!  I didn't take my own pictures but below is the link for you to try it yourself.  This will definitely be in our weekly rotation!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Summer 2012

This past month has been busy with lots of celebrating.  Memorial day came and went and we had a busy long weekend both in remembrance and celebration of those who are in our lives. We celebrated the opening of all of the pools in the area and we swam all weekend.  Brianna is absolutely loving the water.  Now that our neighbor is watching Brianna she isn't around other kids very much which she really misses. She loved being around all of her little cousins. I learned very quickly how hard it is to take pictures these days.  With Brianna running around and playing in water the last thing on my mind is my camera.  There are so many moments that I wish I captured in pictures but the fact that I don't have those pictures is proof that I truly enjoyed every moment with my baby girl... and I'm proud of that!

Brianna started swim lessons on Saturday and she was the all-star of class.  No, I'm not just saying that because I'm her mother :)  She was so relaxed and smiling and giggling the whole time.  The instructor would try to take the other babies to demonstrate something and they would scream.  Brianna would happily be held by the instructor and provide perfect examples of the activities.  She is so secure and easy going!

Brianna is now 15 1/2 months old.  She weighs 26 pounds and while I'm not sure how tall she is, I know that she is tall.  She is in 18 months clothes and wears size 4 diapers.  She was wearing size 4 shoes but my mom and I took her shoe shopping last weekend and when they measured her they suggested size 6.  We purchased the size 6 shoes and they are way too big so I'm thinking she should be in size 5.  Baby shoes are so complicated to me.

My brother Adam and his wife, Katie, are expecting their first baby in January and I am so thrilled!!!  I have been trying to contain my excitement because I don't want to drive Katie insane but I can't wait to spoil this little baby and watch Brianna grow up close to her cousins!

In other news, I'm officially making my first Pinterest recipe for dinner tonight... I will have to post a picture if it goes well.  Now I need to go finish cleaning before Brianna wakes from her nap!  I hope everyone is enjoying summer as much as we are!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Saturday Night

I am currently enjoying a quiet Saturday night at home.  Brianna is fast asleep in bed after spending the evening playing at Grandma and Grandpa Brumley's house.  I was catching up on some reading when I decided to jump on Facebook for a few minutes.  It is such a fun time of year right now... today was the Kentucky Derby (which I watched with my father) and Cinco De Mayo, the Flying Pig is tomorrow where TT will run her THIRD half-marathon, there are so many graduations and the weather has quickly warmed up making the start of summer feel very near and real. 

 In all that excitement, the thing I noticed most on Facebook tonight were all of the young girls in prom dresses.  My first reaction is to fear for the day Brianna is prom dress shopping and I disagree with everything she thinks looks beautiful (I know this day will come!).  A lot of the dresses girls are wearing this season remind me so much of the 80's.  Short, sparkly, and colorful... Yikes... there will be a lot of laughter in a decade at the styles we are seeing right now!  I'm so thankful that when I was in high school the trend was much more conservative.   Most of the dresses my friends and I wore were classic.  I can look at the pictures now (twelve... twelve!?!?!?... yes,TWELVE years later) and feel good about the choices I made back then.  All of these thoughts lead to a worry that pops into my head occasionally... I want Brianna to make GOOD friends.  True friends like the ones that I've had in my life.  I want her to make smart decisions that make her feel proud.  I want her to love life and not spend so much time worrying (like her Mommy).  I want her to be brave but considerate.  Kind but strong.  Mostly... I want her to be safe and happy. 

For now I'm going to put all of these worries away and remember that my fourteen month old baby girl is cuddled up with her blankie in footed pajamas in the corner of her crib.  Today she was safe and happy and I loved every minute!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Life is a Highway

I'm suffering from a bit of writer's block.  I feel like I'm constantly thinking, "I should blog about this!".  But then, of course, I forget!  

Work has been pretty busy and Brianna and I spend a ton of time in the car.   I don't know if I've ever talked about that but Brianna now goes to a sitter about ten minutes from my office so we take the commute together!  On most days we spend over two hours in the car each day. The new car seat laws have you keep babies rear facing until they are two years old which I understand but I feel bad for her because she doesn't have much to look at back there.  My solution has been a mirror that I use to glance in the rear view mirror and check on her but this week she has learned a bunch of new tricks that have made our drive so fun!  She can spot me in the mirror and starts waving.  She also talks "talks" so much these days... especially in the car so now we make animal sounds, count, and sing songs.  It is so much fun but I would love to see myself from another car... waving at the rear view mirror and making animal sounds... special :)  

Brianna is also developing her taste in music.  We listen to everything but I know when she likes a song because she starts dancing and clapping her hands.  I've decided I'm the only person on the planet that likes Adele's first album better than the current one playing CONSTANTLY on the radio.  But Brianna likes her... so I tolerate it.  

Our sweet girl has always loved being outside but now that she can walk and almost run she is all over the place now.  If we are home and not outside she stands by the door.  Our neighbors behind us have a trampoline and when all of the little girls in the neighborhood are back there jumping Brianna will stand looking out the window bouncing right along with them.  I'm hoping to do some more baby proofing out there soon so that she can have a little more freedom.  After her face plant down a hill last week I have been understandably cautious but it hasn't slowed her down a bit!

This weekend should be fun.  Michael's Aunt Karen is visiting from Vancouver and I'm having a really fun little reunion with my friends on Sunday.  I can't wait to see everyone!  

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

I haven't had time to upload any Easter pictures yet but we have had a wonderful day with our families! The Easter bunny came to visit Brianna last night and left her a sock monkey basket (adorable!) filled with little toys that she loved.  Last Easter Brianna was just a tiny little newborn so she slept through the Easter egg hunt.  Today she got to participate in two!  She finally got the hang of putting eggs into her basket but then she started taking out and putting in the same egg over and over.  At both Easter egg hunts (my family and Michael's) the older kids were so sweet to Brianna.  They would run by and throw and egg or two into her basket. Brianna had her first taste of candy today and enjoyed half of a smarty.  She loved it!  

Brianna has been picking up so many words lately and even puts words together.  A lot of them I probably recognize more than others... since I am her Mommy... but she says "Good Girl", "Let's Go", "ball", barks when she sees a dog, makes monkey sounds when she sees a monkey, "Nana" (loves bananas), "Pa" (Grandpa), "Socks", "Shoe", "Shirt", and "Baby" are just a few of the popular ones.  

She still loves being held by all of our family and friends and doesn't really hesitate.  Michael and I went out last night to see The Hunger Games and Grandma Pam stayed with her at our house.  When we left she didn't even blink an eye.  She is so easy going and happy!

I know I say this all the time but I am so thankful Brianna has so many people that love her!  She brings so much happiness to my life.

I hope everyone has had a great day with family and friends!  

Thursday, March 22, 2012

I'm officially 30!!

This has been a crazy week.  It started out with a family dinner for Adam and I at our parent's house.  My brother and I share the same birthday which is a fabulous day to celebrate... the first day of spring!  Adam turned 28 this year.  I love to think back on all of our past birthdays.  How special our parents made the day for us.  Our birthdays always included a shopping spree to Johnny's Toys and a visit into the castle.  I'm so sad that Johnny's isn't there any longer to experience with Brianna.

I'm sure everyone who grew up in Northern Kentucky had a similar experience.  Typically, our Johnny's key would arrive on the same day, usually a couple weeks before the big day.  I'm pretty sure I would sleep with mine and the excitement for the birthday visit would build and build.  When we went to use the key, one at a time, Adam and I would walk up to the castle and turn the key and magically a birthday song would begin to play throughout the store and the castle door would swing open for us to step in and pick a toy.  They were pretty crappy basic toys.  Squirt guns, generic baby dolls, toy soldiers... but there wasn't anything better than feeling the magic of the castle.

My magic castle, as I turn 30, is definitely without question my family and friends.  I LOVE the people in my life.  My family has always been so supportive.  I've only ever known acceptance, encouragement, and love.  Not only is my family amazing, but I have lifelong friends who know me in and out and love me for me.  Friendships have always meant a lot to me but the older I get, the more I treasure them.  Distance has come between so many of us but I still feel CLOSE to them.

I can only pray that I can provide half of the consistency I've had in my life to Brianna.  I hope my next 30 years help me grow in that.  I look forward to standing by my family and friends and experience all of the ups and downs that life can bring us.

Okay... I've blogged about turning 30 so that means it is DEFINITELY over.  Oh... other than the celebration with some of my best friends next weekend (4 of us turned 30 this month!).  I can't wait to hang out, laugh and just enjoy being together.  REALLY can't wait!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Walk in the Park

Sickness struck again in our house but I think we are finally on the other side of it!  Brianna had an extremely high fever for 2 days (105 degrees).  After many calls to on-call doctors and nurses after hours (because of course, that is when a fever spikes up... after hours...) and then finally a visit to the doctor's office she was diagnosed with just a virus.  It was a nasty one though.  She was a sweet little girl and a trooper through the whole thing.  She finally started playing and laughing again yesterday and while she is still pale, you can definitely tell she is feeling much better.  

We spent most of the day hanging at home this beautiful Saturday but we went out this afternoon to a nearby park so she could try out the baby swings.  She loved it!  She loved watching the other kids playing almost as much.  She is doing a great job walking but won't walk with shoes on in public.  I let her try to crawl around a bit but she was ruining her pretty pink leggings so I had to put a stop to it.  I will have to take her back soon in some clothes that she can't hurt.  

Special thank you's to Brianna's Grandma's.  We wouldn't have made it through this without you!  

I also apologize to anyone that is thinking I have been incredibly rude and not sent out thank you notes from her birthday.  All of this sickness has gotten me very behind but I will be sending them out very soon!  

I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend and enjoying some sunshine!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Sunday Sunday Sunday

This Sunday most of my family joined my Grandpa at his church so that we could all be together on the weekend that was my Grandma's birthday.  Grandpa spoke for a few minutes about family and spoke about what a wonderful, wife, mother, grandmother and friend that Grandma Edith was.  It was a good time to be thankful for the years we had her but also for the closeness of the rest of the family because we all feel like that was a gift that she left us with.  My memories from childhood are often centered around her kindness, love, and food :)  

Going to church with the family meant I got to dress up Brianna, of course :)  

Michael says this dress looks like an old man's nightgown but I completely disagree... and so did everyone else who saw this sweet baby!  

 Long overdue for a nap at this point but still sweet.

I almost got a smile with this one.

Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

March is here!!!

March is always a happy time in our family. I'm so excited to spend this month welcoming spring, celebrating my 30th birthday, and enjoying a vibrant one year old!  

Gotta love being outside, with no shoes on, at the end of February/ beginning of March.  It was 70 degrees! Strange... but fun!

Technically, she is a toddler... she toddles... but she will ALWAYS be my BABY!

I think she might like him just a little... 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I have some major posting to catch up on.  Our baby girl turned a year old!  We had two parties and lots of celebrating and it kind of feels like a huge relief to have passed this milestone.  It was fun to see her reaction to the balloons, cake and presents but she really just enjoyed being around all of the family.

I plan to write a post that sums up this past year and finally write about Brianna's birth story.  I can't believe I haven't posted about this.  When something so big happens I seem to always have the intention of going back and writing about it later but I'm not great about actually doing it!  I want to write about it for her... and myself, so that I remember all of the little details forever.

My lack of posting these past few weeks have been due to SICKNESS!  February 7th I posted about "The New Sick Day".  Ummm... I guess that is where my mistake began.  I talked about how my sick days were now for my baby.  I think God was laughing when He saw that.  Brianna and Michael started all of the madness with a cold.  They were so sick and I stayed home with my baby girl.  As soon as I got back to work, I realized I was coming down with the same thing.  It was rough but not terrible.  I missed a day or two myself and had to miss my photography class which made me incredibly sad (and scared).  I was feeling a little better, we had Brianna's birthday celebrations Saturday (Feb 18th) and Sunday (Feb 19th) and Sunday night Brianna started with a fever.  The next day, Michael was sick again.  The day after I took Brianna to the doctor after work and got some antibiotics for her. That night I went to bed feeling fine and woke up at 3AM with a fever and chills.  I went ahead and went to work hoping I could fight through it.  I woke up Thursday morning with the intention of taking a shower and taking Brianna to the sitter and before getting her up I took my temperature and it was 102.  I realized I couldn't take all of those germs to work, even if I could make it through the day.

I was excited we had a weekend of nothing planned so all three of us could get lots of rest and feel better. Michael and Brianna seemed to be doing great, I however, was worse.  I didn't go to the doctor Thursday or Friday because I figured it was the flu or a cold and I could fight through it.  This past Sunday I was having some intense ear pain on top of all of the other symptoms I had been having.  I woke up Monday morning and there was no way I could go to work.  I called my Mom to come save the day and she came up to stay with Brianna while I went to the doctor to finally get some much needed medication!  Turns out I had the flu which turned into a sinus infection, bronchitis, an ear infection and because I didn't go get treated my ear drum burst!  Today is my second day on antibiotics and I'm feeling better but still not 100%.  Because of my stubbornness I have had to miss more days for myself being sick, than days to be home with Brianna while she was sick which is why my recent sick day post is so laughable now.  I'm hoping to have some of my hearing back by tomorrow when I'm back to work.  This all has been so frustrating!

I'm hoping that March is much more healthy for our family.  We want to be able to enjoy our one year old who is exploring and learning so fast these days.  It is so fun!  I can't wait for spring!

Monday, February 13, 2012

We Have a Walker!!!

Brianna was early to crawl and she was so good at crawling she didn't show much interest in walking.  She has been cruising (walking while holding onto furniture) for months and has been taking steps for the past few weeks.  She has slowly added a step here and there.  Tonight she has turned into a full blown walker!  She walks from one room to another following me.  Michael and I sat on the floor tonight and she walked back and forth and got so excited when we cheered that she would almost jump up and down.  My heart seems to keep bursting with love.  It amazes me how much my love for the beautiful baby girl keeps growing and growing.  

She still loves music and dancing.  She has discovered that it is very fun to throw a ball with Daddy and Michael loves it too.  We have started transitioning to whole milk from formula today and so far she has done really well.  She hasn't been eating a lot of food but from what I hear that is normal.  Only 7 more days until this baby girl turns one year old.  I'm trying to just concentrate on how much joy she has brought to our lives and try to be less sad about this milestone.  We are so incredibly blessed that we have reached this milestone and I can't wait to have many many more years of happiness with Brianna.  She truly could not be more loved and wanted!  

Now that I'm taking this photography class I seem to take less pictures and in my opinion they are getting worse.  I'm not sure if that is a normal thing or not... I just am paying a lot more attention to all of the little details.  In the long run I think this will be great but for now I'm posting less pictures.  Hopefully we will get some good shots as we party all weekend long next weekend.  

I hope everyone has a wonderful week! I'm looking forward to chasing around my little walking baby :) 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The New Sick Day

Sick days used to be spent in bed feeling crummy and sleeping a lot.  Sick days are no longer for me... they are now for Brianna!  Brianna had a really rough night Sunday night and was having trouble breathing because of all of this congestion that seemed to come out of nowhere.  I spent yesterday and today at home with my baby girl and while I wish she didn't feel so bad it has been nice to be home with her.  She has spent a lot of time in my lap and I am enjoying this cuddle time more than ever because she is so busy these days.  

It is going to be so hard leaving her tomorrow... especially since I probably won't get much sleep tonight... but she is going to be spoiled by her grandmothers for the next two days.  She gets to stay at home and play with two of her favorite people so hopefully she will keep getting better.  She has some birthday celebrations right around the corner!  

Monday, February 6, 2012


My family got together on Sunday to celebrate Larry and Juliane's birthdays.  It was a nice end to a long weekend.  I'm so thankful that I have grown up so close to my cousins.  They really are like siblings to me.  I don't remember a time in my life that I haven't had a close relationship with them.  As if that luck wasn't enough, I happen to have married into a family that I absolutely adore.  I have added even more close relationships with Michael's cousins.  I am so thankful for this!  

Because I value these relationships so much I am so excited that Brianna has so many cousins that she is going to be able to grow up with on both sides of her family.  

Here are some of the cute moments that Brianna shared with Lexie yesterday.  Lexie is so tiny for her age... she will be 2 in May.  (9 months older than Brianna)

 With Great-Grandpa

 Looking for trouble :) 

 Seriously... does it get any sweeter?

Saturday, February 4, 2012

My Week in Review

This week has been kind of crazy.  Work seemed to go kind of fast but I think it was because I was all but dreading the weekend.  My Uncle Daryl's funeral was today.  I'm thankful that I have been able to spend so much time with my family but it is a very sad reason to be brought together.  I'm so lucky to be so close to all of my many aunts and uncles.  I have so many memories of Sunday dinners at my grandparents house growing up.  My family always is celebrating something.  I do think we do a good job of cherishing our time together... there is always lots of laughter, kids screaming, yummy food and of course a little drama.  Saying goodbye to one of the kindest men I have ever known who always had a smile on his face and hug and kiss to make your day better was difficult.  But I think it says a lot about how wonderful my family is that I feel like I did get to spend a lot of time with him and I have endless happy memories of the times we shared with Daryl.

I had a very good day on Thursday.  I was surprised with flowers in the morning from my sweet husband.  I have never been a fan of flowers on a birthday or anniversary but when you least expect them they are such a wonderful surprise!  My work friends and I had scheduled a lunch using Groundhog's Day as an excuse to get together with some of our friends that have retired or moved on from our office.  It was so much fun!  It is always nice to have a break from the office and I'm so lucky that I genuinely love my co-workers!  Libby also came back to the office to meet the man who took her position.  It felt like old times!

Cindi and I also had our second class of a 12 week photography class at Baker Hunt.  It was supposed to help us with learning to shoot manually with our DSLR cameras.  Let me tell you... it is sooooooo much more complicated than I ever could have imagined.  So far it has just made me feel stupid.  I'm hoping it gets better.  I just keep reminding myself that if I can just learn two or three things that I can take from the class and actually use then it will be worth while.

One more thing that I've been dealing with are some insane nightmares.  I've never been a very good sleeper and have been known to sleep walk and talk in my sleep.  This nightmare thing  is new since Brianna was born.  A lot of the times the nightmares involve her... being scared that something is happening to her.  I guess that is my new biggest fear but it is exhausting.  I need all the sleep I can get these days and it is supposed to be peaceful... not scary!  If anyone has any suggestions on remedies for this please let me know!

I'll leave you with a self-pic of me with my angel baby :)