Loving Brianna

A husband, a toddler, and a full-time job... I'm just one girl trying to balance it all!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

7 Happy, Scary, Fun, Exhausting Months

Bri is 7 months old this week! I'll begin post by sharing with you how I kicked off Bri's 7th month of life. I was leaving for work Tuesday morning, carrying her, 3 bags and some blankies and we took a tumble down the stairs. My Mommy instincts took over and I have no idea what happened but there we lie. At the bottom of the stairs... Brianna completely fine... Mommy... not so much. The injury is minimal... broken toe and torn ligament but I am so thankful my baby girl is okay.

Now on the the happy news... our gorgeous girl is really beginning to discover the world on a whole new level. I definitely feel like she knows Michael and I are her parents and she loves her grandparents. She has taken a dramatic turn for the better... She seems happy, busy, and loving. She smiles all of the time. She thinks very hard about things and is stubborn when she doesn't get to play with those items that should be kept from babies... such as Mommy's Parent's magazine and Daddy's cell phone. She is sitting up. She scoots on her belly to get to what she wants. She rolls across the room until she gets to places that she shouldn't be or gets stuck. She seems to have found so much happiness in this little bit of independence she has learned. This makes me very happy.

We are now about to prepare for our first trip as a family of 3. Flying with a 7 month old... this may be interesting. We are excited to get away from the stress of life here and will have so much family down there with us so it will be great. I will take lots and lots of pictures.

I love my baby girl. She brings me so much joy and I think God every day for the blessings in my life.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sleep is for the Weak

Please don't judge... yes, it is 4:11am on September 11th. 10 years since our nation's tragic terrorist attack and I can't sleep. I've been watching the specials on television and reading what i can in short bits and pieces. It very well be the disturbing, very real images are stuck on mind. It also may be the fact that for the past 2 weeks I have had a sick baby that wakes up screaming every 5-40 minutes all night long and is fighting sleep during the day. She is doing much better sleeping through the night other than an occassional coughing spell but the naps are not happeneing during the day. She is tired, mommy is tired, she cries, and so sometimes mommy cries too.

The part that I'm asking you not to judge is that I'm not reflecting 9/11 or motherhood. I just ate a piece of cold pizza and opened a book I picked up a while back . I picked it up at a Border's closing sale. Probably after another week of no sleep when I was feeling frustrated about being a working mom. Let me share with you the introduction. If you have had kids or a have a friend with kids... I hope you find it as hilarious as i do. Chances are... the lack of sleep has gone to my mind but i truly believe this is funny stuff.

The Book: Balance is a Crock, Sleep is for the Weak: An Indespensible Guide to Surviving Working Motherhood
Written by: Amy Eschliman and Leigh Oshif
(exceprt from the very first few paragraphs of the introduction)

"Do you recognize this woman? She's always screeching up late to the office carrying a stylish pleather breifcase, a computer bag, and a Venti nonfat latte, while wiping some offending organic material off her shoulder. By six a.m., she'd packed two lunches, flipped hte laundry, negotiated a backup nanny for next week's business trip, referreed an argument over "orange bear," coordinated a service call with the cable company to coincide with a conference call to discuss the latest contract negotiation, AND found her husband's wallet.

So it's no wonder that when you greet her with a "Good morning," she either screams "Great!" or looks too spaced0out to hear you. In meetings she's the master of efficiency and laser-focused on wrapping up at 4:55pm. And the last time the gang asked her to drinks after work, tears welled up in her eyes. Once the epitome of "tucked and belted," you could swear that's the third time this week you've seen her wear that skirt. Shemight not be "killing it" at work like se used to, but you can tell she's going to DIE trying.

Aaahhh. Now you recognize her. It's the working mom in the office... the one who either just returned from maternity leavev or got hit with the brick that she's working a full time job with a kid (or more) to raise, a household to run, ,and the dawning realization that she hasn't had a moment to herself for the last eighteen months. your best friend? Your boss? Oh, it's you. YOU! you're the one with the Crazy Eyes. Welcome tot he party! We've been waiting for you to arrive."

Yes, that struck a nerve with me :) I think I may be sharing more from this book as a find moore short moments at 1am to read a few chapters in an attempt to have a little "me" time before the screaeming begins again.

Okay... I'm going to try to go squeeze in another half hour of sleep before its time to get us both ready for church. This is going to be another day in paradise :)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

6 months old!

My baby girl is already 6 months old! I really cannot believe how fast time is going. There are days that I am so exhausted that I'm not sure I can function but then I look up and realize how fast time has gone. These have been the hardest 6 months of my life but definitely the best.

Brianna has developed quite the little personality. She is beginning to have quite a little temper when things don't go her way. I have no clue where she would get such a trait :) She is rolling over and can sit on her own for a short time. Her Daddy loves to put a toy just a little out of her reach when she is on her belly and she will use her legs to push forward to reach it. She puts absolutely everything into her mouth. She has a few favorite toys and they are all ones that she can hold in her hand while she throws it around and also chew on. She will play with her toys for a short time and then the dropping game begins. She plays, drops then screams. We repeat this hundreds of times each day.

Brianna's favorite song is hands down "Old McDonald". She can be fussing like crazy and you start singing and making animal noises and she can't help but crack up. It is adorable.

Her Daddy is still her favorite person. She giggles and smiles whenever he walks into the room.

She is still a great sleeper (when she isn't sick). She sometimes will wake up during the night and jibber jabber and play for a bit and then go back to sleep. My favorite time with her is when going to get her out of the crib in the morning. Sometimes I have to wake her up but some days she wakes up on her own and I hear her playing quietly. When I walk into the room she breaks into a giant smile. She starts kicking her legs with excitement. The only time she has ever woken up crying throughout these 6 months has been when she is sick. I love my mornings with Bri!!!

I'm really going to make a good effort to appreciate every day with this beautiful baby girl. I'm excited for her to grow out of some of this sickness and fussiness but I know I will miss these days. She couldn't be loved more!