After Michael got home we were both sitting on the floor playing with her. Michael put her on one side of the room and we sat on the other side of the room with some toys. At first she just got frustrated and started fussing. After moving a toy over to her that was just beyond her reach she started the crawling motions! She still isn't that great at lifting her little belly off the ground but she definitely has the concept down!
I'm taking Brianna to Children's Hospital tomorrow afternoon to discuss with a specialist the possibility of Bri getting tubes. She has had 5 or 6 infections in her left ear. Every time she gets an infection she is much more fussy than usual and then we have to start on antibiotics and they hurt her belly so it makes her even more fussy. She is VERY close to getting her first tooth. Her gums are very swollen and she keeps holding her mouth really funny. I think she will be such a happy girl once that tooth pops through and her ears feel better. I look forward to that!
Brianna is starting to show signs that she is pretty attached to certain people. When I sit her on the living room floor to play she tries to work her way over to me and pull herself into my lap. One of the sweetest things she has done in the past week or so is try to put her pacifier in my mouth when I'm trying to rock her to sleep. My sweet baby has already learned to share :) We won't talk about when she pulled Chloe's pacifier out of her mouth and started the great binkie war of 2011.
She is starting to get a little more picky when it comes to her food. She isn't liking the green stuff as much as she used to but I can get her to eat Mixed Vegetables which has carrots, peas and potatoes in it. Her favorite is probably still Squash. She loves her Grandma Pam's oatmeal with fruit. For some reason she only eats it really well when Grandma makes it! Already she is judging my "cooking"... She has started to show a real interest in table food.
We have now gone from having physical therapy every 2 weeks to only having it every 4 weeks in an effort to start weaning her off. All of the measurements have been completely equal and she is doing everything she is supposed to be. Her little head will never be completely round but we are counting on her having my curls and it won't be too much of a concern.
That's all for now. It seems like she is doing something new every day so I'm going to try to post more often so I can document and remember everything!
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