Loving Brianna

A husband, a toddler, and a full-time job... I'm just one girl trying to balance it all!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

7 Happy, Scary, Fun, Exhausting Months

Bri is 7 months old this week! I'll begin post by sharing with you how I kicked off Bri's 7th month of life. I was leaving for work Tuesday morning, carrying her, 3 bags and some blankies and we took a tumble down the stairs. My Mommy instincts took over and I have no idea what happened but there we lie. At the bottom of the stairs... Brianna completely fine... Mommy... not so much. The injury is minimal... broken toe and torn ligament but I am so thankful my baby girl is okay.

Now on the the happy news... our gorgeous girl is really beginning to discover the world on a whole new level. I definitely feel like she knows Michael and I are her parents and she loves her grandparents. She has taken a dramatic turn for the better... She seems happy, busy, and loving. She smiles all of the time. She thinks very hard about things and is stubborn when she doesn't get to play with those items that should be kept from babies... such as Mommy's Parent's magazine and Daddy's cell phone. She is sitting up. She scoots on her belly to get to what she wants. She rolls across the room until she gets to places that she shouldn't be or gets stuck. She seems to have found so much happiness in this little bit of independence she has learned. This makes me very happy.

We are now about to prepare for our first trip as a family of 3. Flying with a 7 month old... this may be interesting. We are excited to get away from the stress of life here and will have so much family down there with us so it will be great. I will take lots and lots of pictures.

I love my baby girl. She brings me so much joy and I think God every day for the blessings in my life.

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