Loving Brianna

A husband, a toddler, and a full-time job... I'm just one girl trying to balance it all!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

11 Months of Love

Brianna is officially 11 months old.  I feel like we just brought her home from the hospital yesterday.  Where has this time gone?  Ugh... The above picture isn't the best but it shows her in action.  She is so busy these days it is hard to get good pictures!  This was actually the first time she took a step on her own so it is forever now a part of Brianna's history :) 

The good news is I'm in love with this stage.  I'm pretty sure I have said that a lot this past year but I feel like this time really is the best.  It is so much fun and everything doesn't feel as crazy stressful as it did before.  I'm sure the stress is just away for a bit and will come back but I am enjoying it for now!

Brianna has officially taken one step a couple times.  She is so close to walking.  At first she would start running as soon as she stood up on a walking toy but now she has the control to slowly walk across the room.  It is only a matter of time before she is doing this all by herself!  For now that baby can crawl at lightning speed.

She will play independently for long periods of time as long as I'm in the room.  If I leave the room she wants to be with me.  She loves music.  She loves hearing people sing and loves listening to the radio and any toy that plays music.  She loves to dance.  No matter how short a song may be, my little girl still shakes her booty and lights up with a smile.

My sweet girl mimics everything these days.  She holds toys up to ear like phones.  If I answer my phone and she doesn't have a toy in her hand she will hold her little hand up to her ear and say "HI!".  She can say a lot of words these days.  Here are a few I can think of at the moment: mama, dada, boo, ball (ba) and hi.  She loves her baby dolls and will try to say baby when she holds it.  She basically mouths the word.  She imitates a ton of sounds.  She loves to say "mmmmm" when she eats.  She still does "so big" and has been able to do the motions to patty cake and wheels on the bus for over a month.  When I ask her to get a certain toy she can find that toy.  When I ask for kisses she gives me a big open mouth smooch on the lips.  When I hug her she pats my back.  The best feeling in the world is when I randomly pick her up and she hugs me and I feel her little hand pat my back.  She is such a sweet baby!

She surprisingly still listens and obeys "NO" pretty well.  When she hears the word she will stop, turn around and look at you and shake her head.  Sometimes she will keep trying whatever she is doing that she isn't supposed to but she listens very well most of the time.

Brianna doesn't get shy very often.  She loves people and loves to be out and about.  She knows how to get attention.  She will show you all of her tricks if you let her.  It is impossible for me not to smile when I see her sweet face.

I posted recently about her new bedtime routine and that continues to go well.  She knows what is coming when I say "night night" but she falls asleep fairly quickly.  I still dread it but know it is best for her to go to sleep on her own in her crib.  She continues to sleep about 12 hours.   I dread having to wake her up tomorrow morning to go the sitter.  I love her to be able to wake up and spend the morning at home.  At least I get three day weekends most weeks!

One more month until I have a one year old little girl... I'm so not ready!

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