Loving Brianna

A husband, a toddler, and a full-time job... I'm just one girl trying to balance it all!

Monday, November 19, 2012

I Still Have a Blog? (Brianna 21 Months)

Oh man... when life gets crazy the Brianna updates are the first thing to go.  There have been a TON of changes over the past month! Shoot... after typing that I just checked and it has actually been TWO months since posting.  I suck.

This past week and weekend were pretty crazy.  Last weekend we went ahead and purchased a family pass to the zoo and I'm really excited.  This visit was the first time that Brianna really "got it".  She was soooo excited about every single animal (we skipped the insect and reptile stuff... because they aren't my favorite) and she was upset every time we moved on to the next exhibit.  I had to keep telling her that we were going to see more!!! She would look at me and sign "more" and say "animals!".  She also loved seeing all of the other kids.  We had about thirty different people tell us she looks exactly like Shirley Temple.  We are getting that comment more and more the older she gets.  Someday Brianna may actually get to hear about who that is.  And if she is anything like I was when I was little... she won't like it!  Oh well... she is perfectly BRIANNA to me.  Another funny fact... she still says "Anna" if you ask her what her name is.  She loves to make people laugh and knows how to do it.  She makes silly faces.  When you ask her how she is she says "GOOD!".  Sometimes she'll say it if she overhears someone else asking me how I am.

This month she has learned how to watch television.  This is sounds terrible but its true.  Until now she liked Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on Disney but it would just be on in the background and she would occasionally dance to the music.  Well... I figured out her one true television love is actually a show called Chuggington.  She will sit and watch the entire episode.  She hasn't sat that still ever.  She really prefers to sit in my lap while watching (I try to limit it to one or two episodes a day) but I have Beene able to use that time to get other things done.  Yes... I am admitting that I have and will again use the television to babysit my little girl.  I haven't paid much attention to the concept of the show but have picked up things here and there.  Michael really likes it too so he will sometimes watch half an episode with her (Brianna's attention span is longer than his).  Sunday morning when we were all cuddling on the couch watching Chuggington I asked Michael if he thinks Brianna understands that Chuggington is a place and not a person (train).  Michael looked at me and exclaimed  "it is!?!?!".  Too funny.

SO... also at the zoo Brianna got to combine her love of trains with her love of the zoo.  Every time we had to stop for the train to pass she stopped and got super excited.  Like as excited as I would get if I ran into Ryan Gosling at the zoo. That excited.  We didn't ride the train this time but we will definitely be doing that soon.

In other exciting news, I put up all of our Christmas decorations and tree up this weekend.  I had to do it during nap time so it may be the fastest I've ever accomplished this task.  When she woke up from her nap I had Michael get her out of her room so I could take a video of her seeing the tree and decorations for the first time.  It is priceless.  She was so excited!  There was even clapping!  Anyone who knows me, knows I LOVE Christmas and this is going to be the best Christmas season yet.

Some other Brianna facts at 21 months (which she will be tomorrow):

  • She still loves music and has started singing- her favorites at the moment are Jingle Bells and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.  
  • She tells me when she doesn't like  a song I have playing in the car and asks for me to change it.  If we don't find something she likes then I get stuck with that darn Chipmunk Christmas CD playing... UGH
  • She yells "GO" when the car stops... I have no idea where she gets that :) 
  • She hugs and kisses everything she loves
  • She isn't a very good eater these days but still loves her milk... the child would live on snacks and milk if I let her... 
  • She still is obsessed with books and they continue to be her favorite "toy"... If she is playing by herself she gets a book out and jibber jabbers like she is reading it.  and the words come out like a song... just like how I read them! I need to get that on video
  • The child forgets nothing... seriously. 
  • We still have to have a kiki (blanket) everywhere we go
  • She still takes a pacifier at nap time and bedtime (i know, I know)
  • She can operate my iphone better than her Aunt Kimberly... she can unlock it and scroll through the apps to find hers... she can also flip through pictures and watch videos of herself and laughs
  • She will say full sentences occasionally and puts four words together often
  • I love her more than life
That is all for now!  Happy Thanksgiving everyone!